Friday, March 30, 2012

Instance Name of SQL Server 2005 Standard

I'm new to SQL Server, and have just started to work through the MS Press ADO.Net 2.0 Step-by-Step book.

In the beginning of the book, at the point where the Add Connection box comes up, it says to type in the Server Name text box, (local)\SQLEXPRESS, as the book takes for granted you have SQL Express installed, and hence this is the instance name.

I have Visual Studio 2005 Professional, and SQL Server 2005 Standard installed. What would the instance of SQL Server be in this case?

Any hope would be greatly appreciated.

Unless you specifically gave it a name during setup then there is no instance name as its a default instance, hence you connect with (local)|||

when you have installed sql server standard (for that matter any edition) you will be asked whether u want to install Default Instance or Named Instance. Default instance will have the same name of your Physical Machine name and named instances will have Machinename\Nameof the instance. Just to see whether you have any instances running , just open Command window

c:\ sqlcmd -L

you will get all the instances running in the network. check howmany instance are there with your physical machine name



The default instance name for non-Express editions is MSSQLSERVER. But as already mentioned, you can use the machine name to connect if using a default instance.... or you can use MSSQLSERVER.


Sam Lester (MSFT)


I just tried using the above as the instance of SQL Server, and while the Add Connection dialogue didn't say anything about the instance being invalid, it did give me the following error: "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (Provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 25 - Connection string is not valid)"

I guess this is progress in a way...

Any suggestions? Do I need to re-install SQL Server? I do have a couple icons which mention SQL Server Configuration Manager, and SQL Server Management Studio, would anything there help?

Any suggestions would be appreciated...

|||Can you use SQl Server Config Manager and see if there are copies of sql server running and what their names are?|||

I have SQL Server Config Manager open now, however I'm clueless on what to do next, there really aren't many options.

On the left pane, under SQL Native Client Configuration, I see Client Protocols, and Aliases.

Under Client Protocols, the right pane shows: Shared Memory, Order 1, Enabled

TCP/IP, Order 2, Enabled

Named Pipes, Order 3, Enabled

VIA Disabled

Other than this, I really don't know what else to do...

Any help is appreciated...


check whether the server is enabled for Remote Connections. Go to Surface Area Configuration tool and check it. Also check firewall is enabled on this machine. if yes excempt TCP port 1433 and UDP 1434


|||select the services node and post back what you find|||

I have no idea how to do any of this, or where it's located...

Sorry, I've never used SQL before...


From where?

Sorry, I've never used SQL before...


refer this link



Euan Garden wrote:

select the services node and post back what you find

what Euan mentioned is -- GO to control pannel -- Administraive tools -- Services and see what all are the services running with the name SQLServer * and post back the names of the services running on the machine



There are many services listed on two tabs, standard and extended.

However, there is nothing listed that begins with SQL.

I have no idea what to do from here, sorry..


if there is no services running with name like SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) or SQLServer (SQLExpress) etc etc.. then you have only installed client tool. In this physical machine there is no Database Engine installed. Either re-install the sql server and choose what all are the services you need or connect to any other machine which already have sql server



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