Friday, February 24, 2012

Installing SQL Express 2K5 on a domain controller?

I want to install SQL Express 2K5 on a lightly used second Windows 2003 SP1 DC. I know about the warning not to do this type of install. However, the group is small and their budget does not allow for another server just for one application. With that being said, the error message I keep getting is "can't create local groups......" (I know that you do not have local groups with AD). So, is there a work around to this issue or can someone point me in the right direction as how to install on a domain controller? Thanks in advance for your time!!!


please have a look at, paragraph 3.10




Thanks for the link, however that is the reason for the post. Paragrph 3.10 states "

3.10 Installing SQL Server Express on a Windows Domain Controller

Security Note:

We recommend against running SQL Server Express on a domain controller.

It is possible to install SQL Server Express on a Windows domain controller; however, it cannot run on a Windows Server 2003 domain controller as Local Service or Network Service. SQL Server service accounts should run as Windows domain user accounts. It is also possible to install SQL Server service accounts to run as Local System, but this option is not recommended."

I just need to know how to get SQLExpress to install without trying to create local accounts and use a specific network user account. Again thanks for your time and effort.


You will have to create specific domain accounts for the SQL Server Services -BEFORE you attempt to install. Here are some articles with information about what accounts are needed and why.

Configuration -Service Accounts, SQL Server 2005 - Setting Up Windows Service Accounts

Configuration -Service Accounts, SQL Server or SQL Server Agent service account

Configuration -Service Accounts,Selecting an Account for the SQL Server Agent Service

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