Friday, February 24, 2012

Installing SQL 6.5 and 2000 client utilities on the same machine

Can I install the client utilities for Microsoft SQL versions 6.5 and 2000 in the same machine?
Please, provide me with any information or links in this matter.I believe you have to install 6.5 first, then 2k/7 client

The other way around won't work...|||You probably can, although I've never tried. If you have the Client Utilities for SQL-2000, you really don't need the utilities for 6.5 because you can manage a 6.5 server using the 2000 tools.

-PatP|||You sure about that?|||I guess I haven't tried recently, but I think that you can as long as you are running sp6 or later on the 6.5 server... I don't have any 6.5 servers running anymore to verify that though.

-PatP|||Lucky you...

I think I got 1 lion around I can check....

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