Friday, February 24, 2012

installing sql 2005 standard on vista home premium

I have not been able to get iis to be seen correctly. I have turned on every service with IIS7 available and still get warning IIS in not running. I have changed computer name to all caps and I am running on admin account. I see IIS7 when I run localhost. What is wrong here. When I go on to install system I get stuck at detecting installed IIS. As I move forward with install owc, DB services,Notification, Intagrated, and workstation components all fail. I cant move onto sp2 because nothing is installed. I have worked on this for months off and on and now I have to have it running for deadline. Any help would be appreciated. I also have VS2005 and office 2007 on this system. I have worked on this the past two days solid and I have to have it now.


when the install fails, what do you see in the files under the log folder under setup bootstrap?|||

Thanks Meher,

I had to uninstall all of the office components and then I was able to get past OWC11. Then I still failed with all the others. I then installed sp2. I then went back and did a mimimal install and it worked. Then I went back and reran sp2. Then I went back and did a complete reinstall and reran sp2. I now have DB on vista. On troublesome problem still is IIS7 I enabled everything I could restarted it and still system did not see it. Different forum and different issue I suspect.

Again Thanks for the williness to help.


It would be nice put out updated install directions for sql 2005 standard(different flavors) on VISTA(different flavors). Maybe they did but hours of searching did not produce them.

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